Denmark hosts round table conference on disaster response
EU’s commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Kristalina Georgieva and the rapporteur on the civil protection legislative proposal of the European Parliament, MEP Elisabetta Gardini will present their views on the main common challenges for Europe, when countries are struck by natural disasters.
The European directors for the national emergency response managements will also participate in the conference.
The round table conference is part of the Danish EU presidency, where Denmark is currently leading negotiations over a new disaster cooperation among the member states.
The cooperation builds on several Danish initiatives, i.e. the module based emergency response, where member states can take advantage from experience and specialized capabilities in other member states.
The Danish Minister of Defence, Nick Hækkerup, says:
“It is important, that we have an ambitions and close European cooperation, when it comes to protecting our citizens, so that together we can offer quick emergency response to countries in need. I look forward to listening to the views from the commission and the European Parliament. In particular I am pleased, that essential parts of the European emergency response cooperation builds on Danish initiatives”
Read the conference conclusions