The OSCE is the world's largest regional security organisation.

OSCE-mission Albanian Force Multinationale Protectione (AFMP), 1997. Photo: The Danish Defence.
OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) is the world's largest regional security organisation with 57 participating states from North America, Europe and Central Asia. The organisation primarily deals with conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict management. The Danish Defense has deployed a military adviser to the Danish OSCE mission in Vienna, and the Danish government yearly submits a report on the work in the OSCE to the Danish parliament.
The OSCE focuses on a wide range of areas such as arms control, confidence- and security building measures, human rights, election observation, minority rights and countering terrorism.
The OSCE headquarter is located in Vienna. OSCE also has offices in Geneva, Copenhagen, The Hague, Prague and Warsaw. OSCE employs approx. 550 employees. In addition, approx. 2,400 employees working in OSCE missions and field operations in South-Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Furthermore, the CFE Treaty (the Treaty on Conventional Strengths in Europe), the Open Skies Treaty (the Treaty on Mutual Transfers) and the Vienna Document on Confidence- and Security building measures are administered in the framework of the OSCE. The agreements contribute to openness and military stability in Europe.
On March 21, 2014, the OSCE decided to set up a special monitoring mission (SMM) as a result of the conflict in Ukraine. The mandate allowed up to 500 civilian observers to be deployed in 9 selected Ukrainian regions as well as Kiev. The aim of the special monitoring mission is, among other things, observing and reporting on the security situation and on human rights and minority issues. Since then, the numbers of observers has been expanded and is now up to 1000. Also within the framework of the OSCE SMM, so-called Vienna document visits / inspections have been conducted in Ukraine.
Denmark has contributed with 10.5 million DKK to the OSCE Monitoring Mission and deploys up to 20 observers to the mission. In the framework of the Vienna document, Denmark also conducts and participates in ongoing inspections in particular in eastern Ukraine.